Monday, October 19, 2015

Dapur Mandar Majene Sulawesi Barat

Sulawesi Barat / West Sulawesi was a new province. Located along the western coast of Sulawesi Islands. It's very tropical weather here, mostly peoples belong to mandar etnis beside Toraja, Bugis and Java etnis. Peoples work on field as a farmer and fisherman. 

After final my report, my office crew invite me to this beach called Pantai Pamboang (Pamboang beach). Afternoon time waiting for sunset here, Before getting dark, look at this beach ... clear, very blue and quiet, the wind sounds incredible, the weather become comfy for sitting under the tree and viewing the sea. God's create perfectly.

Pisang Goreng Sambal Roa, is a fried cover thin dough banana, crispy, not too sweet. We can eat it this way, dipped in roa chilli sauce. Roa mean local smoke fish, blended with hot chilli pepper, and saute together as a sauce.

Taloq Panynyu, round shape with refined white flour covered, inside we can bite brown sugar flavor the original sugar made from processed juice coconut. Very excited to try this local snack.

Bolu Paranggi, made by eggs, flour, brown sugar, vanilla, developers, until melted margarine, and sugar palm, a type of sugar that is derived from palm trees (palm). This cake has a delicious taste, when it went into a solid piece of wheat which has to sing seemed to fill the entire cavity of the mouth, the flour was given developer material so that it looks like bread.

And a lot of kinds lokal snack you can try it. Amazing taste.

Now we see traditional dishes below, we can see the local dishes. Bau Tappi (Grilled Fish with Mandar Chilli Sauce. Bau means Fish. Bau Tappi means Fish pour with sauce. They used big fish to grilled like Bubara, Pomfret or snapper. All fresh from the sea. Taste sweet and savor at the times, mix with mandar chilli sauce, very special. Baupiappi, looks like fish red soup, Cooked from fresh fish cooked with turmeric, tamarind mango coconut oil, red pepper, onion and water. All ingredient saute with coconut oil then boiled in water, after the water becoming dry, the fish can come in. Taste wow, full of strong seasoning taste. Can not forget this taste. Another famous dish is grilled squid with sauce. Different style for grilled big-squid. The colour of dish dark brown and taste a little sweet than savor. Grilled squid ussually eat without sauce too, but for taste experiment, try this one kinds. Super yummy.

 As a dessert we choose the light one, fruit soup with local red syrup called Dolong Syrup. Dolong syrup came from Kayu Sepang or Secang (L : Cesalpinia sappan L), kinds of natural antibiotic we can used for healthy drink. 

As we know, Our Ancestry gave their wissdom cross generation ... we must preserved it.

The sun going down, and the perfect evening closed my visit at this place.
find it ... and enjoy it.

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