Saturday, October 17, 2015

Romantic Point View from Keraton Ratu Boko Jogyakarta

Follow Sunset at Ratu Boko Temple, becoming dark and starting a lot of twinkle stars in the sky, a romantic night at Keraton Ratu Boko Restaurant, you can see city sight above of there. Straight to east side, a lighting come from Prambanan's Open Theater and light bulbs from peoples house, enliven the night.

We enjoyed night cold and accompanied by warm javanese boiled noodle and wedhang uwuh while have conversation with friends.

Chicken Boiled Noodles

Typical food from street, ussualy we can see it at Malioboro, Chicken Boiled Noodles with thick tasty broth, you  can forget it. The aroma from saute garlic, pepper, slice of leak and a sprimgkling fried onion, make it perfect.

 Wedhang Uwuh

we can called it herb drink, made from blends of dried natural ingredient, our ancestor's heritage. Taste unique and very usefull to bring our body warm and healthy. We can drinking with rock candy and adjust the level of sweetness. I love this beverage so much ... why not you try it?

Then ... come here and proof yourself , this is one of exotic place at Jogyakarta

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