Saturday, October 17, 2015

Kuah-2 Food Court Plaza Festival Kuningan Jakarta

This weekend, I walk in to Kuningan area, and try to find a heritage taste of soup came from my childhood village. Indonesian peoples very familiar with yellow soup called SOTO. Many variant of soto liked Soto Padang, Soto Betawi, Soto Ayam, Sroto, Coto Makasar etc. This time, I liked to eat Soto Ayam from Kuah-2. My friends, Ronie and Karina owned this outlet. 

They served 2 kinds of traditional Soup with strong east java taste, named and look like the pictures below :

Chicken Yellow Soup / Soto Ayam

We can tasted candlenut, garlic and coriander, in a warm and thick chicken broth. Tasted a little bit sweet. With a half boiled egg, hot condiment and sweet soya sauce, it's very great savory yellow chicken soup.

Beef Black Soup / Rawon

This soup looked dark and black, perhaps some people afraid to try it. But you will be chagrined if not try this soup. Made from beef broth and black spices called "Kluwek", Rawon will have a very delicious savory soup. Add short sprout, hot condiment, shrimp cracker and a half of boiled salty-egg, would be a perfect match to be eat with steam rice. Wanna try it, you should be.

The price comparable with the taste. We can choose it from the package options.

Bon a petit ... our traditional soup. I hope you can savor it.

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