Sunday, January 10, 2016

Indian Style in Medan - Pagaruyung Medan

The problem when I was visit another city in my country was hard to find some specific culinary that can treat our tongue well. This visit to Medan City, Me and my friend stay at Grand Swissbell Hotel, big city, big traffic ... where I must find something to eat? Behind the hotel called Keling Area, mean mostly the population is an Indian ancestry. Big Temple always interested me, colour black with gold God Statue. near by the temple we can find Pagaruyung street, and just need take a walk, we in it.

Along the row, we found tent stalls who offer the middle east menu like Briyani steam rice, Curry goat, Egg's Martabak, Atjeh Fried Noodles etc. we choose Pak Ramli Stalls, in the first left corner. The sweet indian girl offer me the menu and I want to eat Briyani Steam Rice with Curry Goat. My friend choose Egg Martabak with Chicken curry. Above our table, there's a plate with 5 Clam Satay. We can eat it and will be pay by counting the bamboo stick.

Briyani Steam Rice with Curry Goat

So look at my plate .. I love the way they served. We have pineapple's pickles, red onion pickle's, slice of tomatoes and some of chips from Mlinjo Fruit. The Briyani steam rice taste so herby. clove, cinnamon, fennel, deaf ... hmm feel warm in my throat. For freshment we can eat some of pickles. The curry taste thick and milky from the coconut. The goat meat so tender and easy to eat. 

Egg MArtabak with Chicken Curry

Than we must try ths one too, Egg Martabak with Chicken Curry. Its scrambled eggs mix with some of leek, meat and fried inside of wide thin dough. Need a skill for folded above the fried pan, but its fun when we looking at the proccess. Chicken curry more light but taste more sweet. Hmmm taste yummy and happy tummy ... 

Clam Satay

This 5 clam satay, moved to my happy tummy. Taste sweet and delicious. Cant wait till we visit Medan City next opportunity.

Remarkable Soto at Bofet Rajawali - Padang

It's become our routine agenda if we visit Padang City in the morning, must breakfast Soto at Bofet Rajawali. The owner was "Keliang Peoples" named of Indian's Ancestry who live generations in this city. Near with Pasar, this place always full of busy peoples who grab a small bowl of warm soto, like this picture below.

Soto Padang
Manage with fastfood style, when we find empty table then Soto Padang will arived in front of us. The waitress just make sure to us, that we need more than the numbers of us, or not.

Soto padang was a clear warm soup with a little bit bean sprout, vermicelli noodles, leeks and fried red onion, served in small bowl and a small plate of fried meet called dendeng. Inside the soup you can find Perkedel (made from smashed potatoes and fried in covered by scramble egg). Red crackers, light chilli paste (sambal) and you can eat it with steam rice or not. Ussually I choose with no steam rice, but this morning I couldn't refused it. My tummy need to smile ... Tasted so good, herbies and warm my body inside. Hmmmm so delicious

Soto Padang with steam rice
The lovely owner ask me to try Es Air Mata Pengantin (Bride's Tears Ice??) interesting drink. Made from Rose Syrup, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Ice Block and Hard Pudding that should be gratter first, it mould like tears ... hahaha its look like. Must be inspired the owner if called Bride's tears ... so drama. But taste fresh and sweet ... you will be ask for the second glasses.

 Okay ... Can we meet here for breakfast? I'll bet you do.

Warung Super Sambal (SS) Sentul City

In the very hot weather before rainy seasson come ... so hot here. Finding for lunch time, we want to try something hot in my mouth, like the weather now. Near my neighbourhood, there's small restaurant can find in Pine Forest Cluster - Sentul City. Long way from Jakarta but worth it to dig in.

This "warung SS" you can find

Cozy athmosphere inside
They sell many of hot kinds condiment calls Sambal. A lot of choices and looks interested to taste.

Sambal, based from red or green big or small chilies, smashed with other condiments like garlic, shallots, prawn paste, tomatoes, sometimes mix with fruits like manggoes, pineaplles or others. Ussually all "these sambals" eat with steam rice, and fried's protein like fried fish, fried chicken, fried tempe or tahu (soya bean cake) and for freshing our mouth we can add fresh or boiled some of vegetables, you can add the dressing to with spices coconut.

This time, I choose little fried fish, "Urapan" mix boiled vegetables with spices coconut, 2 kinds sambals, one called sambal pencit that make from fresh chillies, shallots, garlic and salt, smashed it and add some slices of manggoes. Another sambal called Sambal Terong, its fried sambal and fried eggplants. Can wait to taste it.

Look at this yummy "friends" for our lunch

Ooo I forget our other "friends" here ... called Sate Pentul, made from minched mutton, seasoning with herb, pepper and salt, than beform on bamboo stick, condense with a little beat fat. After that we can grilled. Sweet soya bean sauce , some tomatoes slices, shallots slices, and white cabbage slices. Wooww ... you can imagine our special lunch today.

Sate Pentul

The sambals taste very great, not to hot (for our), taste fresh, match with the fried protein, and Sate Pentul. You wanna forget the taste.

Come to my neighbourhood and find this small resto can make your tongue dancing.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My afternoon with Kastengel : The Ivory Blue

A few days ago, my dearest friend try to share her magic Kastengels with me. She put the picture of The Ivory Blue : Kastengels on our Group WhatsApps, and catch my eye to quick respond her personally.

Perhaps it just look like Kastengels or Cheese Cookies, but when I look the package, something interest me to have it and taste it. My friend told me that for one glass of jar, It's about 450 gr Kastengels who made from 100% Edam Cheese, mix with butter, flour and eggs. Hmm ... sounds yummy. 

She said that The Ivory Blue was her future dream who combined between home-cookies production and loving the living things. And her warm heart and passion, bear The Ivory Blue brand.

After the package arrive to my home, I cant be patient to opened the interested home-cookies that's my friend, Setiawati made. And then one bite, two bite .... melted in my mouth, so ..... hmmmm so cheesy - crispy - Kastengels I ever taste. You will never want to leave this jar from your side. With the right maturity level, the right colour, the right measuring ingredient, you never wrong with the result. And gave me a story about my perfect afternoon.

Happy afternoon day on my weekday, its something. Why? cause almost impossible I  can go home at the right workhour, mostly over than 07.00 pm. Sad? yeah. But yesterday I can go home early and can see sunset at my home ... so I have my afternoon coffee with a cup of cappucino, Kastengels from The Ivory Blue, My tiny beaar-doll and ... my white-book. Yeah, a book with all I write my dream as my next project and try hard for living and building my dream.

Thank You very much for The Ivory Blue who make my afternoon be perfect.

Want to have a perfect time with Ivory Blue, too?

You can contact this number :
Setiawati Nugrahini
WhatsApp : +62-87870408888

Have a nice unforgotten very yummy Kastengels
cheers ......

Monday, October 19, 2015

Dapur Mandar Majene Sulawesi Barat

Sulawesi Barat / West Sulawesi was a new province. Located along the western coast of Sulawesi Islands. It's very tropical weather here, mostly peoples belong to mandar etnis beside Toraja, Bugis and Java etnis. Peoples work on field as a farmer and fisherman. 

After final my report, my office crew invite me to this beach called Pantai Pamboang (Pamboang beach). Afternoon time waiting for sunset here, Before getting dark, look at this beach ... clear, very blue and quiet, the wind sounds incredible, the weather become comfy for sitting under the tree and viewing the sea. God's create perfectly.

Pisang Goreng Sambal Roa, is a fried cover thin dough banana, crispy, not too sweet. We can eat it this way, dipped in roa chilli sauce. Roa mean local smoke fish, blended with hot chilli pepper, and saute together as a sauce.

Taloq Panynyu, round shape with refined white flour covered, inside we can bite brown sugar flavor the original sugar made from processed juice coconut. Very excited to try this local snack.

Bolu Paranggi, made by eggs, flour, brown sugar, vanilla, developers, until melted margarine, and sugar palm, a type of sugar that is derived from palm trees (palm). This cake has a delicious taste, when it went into a solid piece of wheat which has to sing seemed to fill the entire cavity of the mouth, the flour was given developer material so that it looks like bread.

And a lot of kinds lokal snack you can try it. Amazing taste.

Now we see traditional dishes below, we can see the local dishes. Bau Tappi (Grilled Fish with Mandar Chilli Sauce. Bau means Fish. Bau Tappi means Fish pour with sauce. They used big fish to grilled like Bubara, Pomfret or snapper. All fresh from the sea. Taste sweet and savor at the times, mix with mandar chilli sauce, very special. Baupiappi, looks like fish red soup, Cooked from fresh fish cooked with turmeric, tamarind mango coconut oil, red pepper, onion and water. All ingredient saute with coconut oil then boiled in water, after the water becoming dry, the fish can come in. Taste wow, full of strong seasoning taste. Can not forget this taste. Another famous dish is grilled squid with sauce. Different style for grilled big-squid. The colour of dish dark brown and taste a little sweet than savor. Grilled squid ussually eat without sauce too, but for taste experiment, try this one kinds. Super yummy.

 As a dessert we choose the light one, fruit soup with local red syrup called Dolong Syrup. Dolong syrup came from Kayu Sepang or Secang (L : Cesalpinia sappan L), kinds of natural antibiotic we can used for healthy drink. 

As we know, Our Ancestry gave their wissdom cross generation ... we must preserved it.

The sun going down, and the perfect evening closed my visit at this place.
find it ... and enjoy it.

Nasi Bebek Sinjay Bangkalan Madura

The name so famous among us, culinary peoples. Crispy fried duck eat with steam rice and hot chilli fried paste, some fresh cucumber, lokal basil leaves and spinkle with crispy fried seasoning, this call Nasi Bebek Sinjay. Different style of fried duck dish in Indonesia.  The meat of duck very crispy outside and tender inside without the fat. The duck cook so welldone and seasoning with fresh herbs and ingredient. You can taste the garlic, coriander, galingale, and more others, strengthen flavor the duck. After cooked, the duck will be in deep fried until crispy, drained a while before serving as your dish.

We can find it at Madura Islands, north Surabaya city by Suromadu Sea-bridge. Very easy to find this place, cause side of the road from Bangkalan to Pamekasan. See this signboard and you can have lunch here. Nasi Bebek Sinjay, Jl. Raya Ketengan no 45 Bangkalan Madura

The placed like a giant hangar with metal roofed cover it, aligned with the heat of Madura Weather. But dont worry, its enough wind to balance the air circulation, that's make the place comfortable even a lot of peoples inside.

When you walk around Madura Islands, do not forget to tasted this famous crispy fried duck.
..... ciao ....

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pindang Ikan Patin RM Rasa Palembang Lampung

Have a duty and keep adventure to find traditional treasure culinary, it will be my always passion. Feels like heaven when we found something valueable. Visit Lampung, we heard not much about origin culinary point it here. Mostly people will say about the famous Pempek (fish Ball sour souce), Bakso Sony (Meet Ball Soup) and RM Padang (Typical West Sumatera Food) around Lampung city. But a my generous driver show me another traditional food come from Palembang called Pindang Ikan Patin (catfish) and Pepes Ikan Baung masak Tempoyak. I get excited to try it, and when I arrive to very simple restaurant, my table served with this, fresh vegetable on plate with 3 kinds of hot condiment  : sambal mangga (manggo shaved and mix with crushed red-hot pepper), sambal nanas (samekind with sambal mangga but used pineapple) and Sambal terasi (chili shrimp paste). We can see sliced of cucumber there, some of basil leave, curly lettuce, green eggplant, Temu Mangga (kind of ginger but taste like manggo, Jengkol and friends (I didn't eat jengkol and friends, for me smell not good). I mix same leaves with sambal mangga, just like we mix salad and taste incredible fresh, very good for refreshing our mouth after eat fish. Sambal nanas taste more light than sambal mangga, but sambak terasi have a very strong shrimp paste, you can try a little for taste it.

In a blue print plate, we can see Pindang Ikan Patin. The souce very aqueous, coloured clear brown and the fish looks fresh, clean and shinny skin, sprinkle with slice of leaks and fried onion. Smell fresh, and when I taste it, ...   wwoooowww sooo fresh, not too sweet, not too sour, a splash taste from dried red chilli ... taste so good, so delicious. Fish meet so tender and not taste fishy. I love it.

Another dish you should try is Pepes Ikan Baung, (this fish family of catfish), with a lot paste cover a slice of fish. The paste make from red chili, tomatoes, some dry ingredient, onion, barlic and special fermentation Durian's Meat. Its cooked with steam method after it's wrap with banana leave first. Its taste so delicious and match while eat with warm steam rice. You will not stop eating until its gone.

when you're not enough with 2 kinds of fish, you can ask Fried Udang dan Ikan Saluang (River Shrimp and small fish). The shrimp have a tender meat, taste sweet, and the small fish taste savory, crispy. And you not worry to take this much, cause this all lives in river not come from sea. More low colesterol.

So ... did you decide it to come here and find delicious food made from aour traditional kitchen?
You can find it here :

See U my next review friends